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Thursday, July 3, 2003

Issue Index

Orange barrels continue to dot the roadway along U.S. 33 between St. Marys and Wapakoneta, however all traffic lanes will be open in that area during the Fourth of July weekend as construction crews also take time off to enjoy the holiday, according to Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) officials. Approximately 37.4 million people are expected to travel this upcoming weekend, the highest number of motorists to hit the road during the holiday in at least nine years, said a spokeswoman for the Ohio AAA. About 22 percent of travelers will visit rural towns, 19 percent will drive to oceans and beaches, 17 percent to lakes, 15 percent to cities and the rest to state or national parks, mountains and amusement parks. Myrtle Beach, S.C., is the top travel destination this weekend, the AAA noted. Although gasoline prices across the country are about 20 cents higher than last year at this time, local prices per gallon have dropped approximately 10 cents in recent weeks — good news for Grand Lake St. Marys motorists.
