This application is for an Independent Contractor. The position is for delivering newspapers to rural customers in the afternoon.
Contact Information
First Name Middle Name Last Name
Street Address

Home Phone
Cell Phone
Personal Information
If you will be keeping your current job, what hours do you currently work?
When will you be able to begin delivery?
Can you perform the essential functions of the position for which you are applying?
Other special training, skills, comments or references?
Employment History
Previous Job 1
Company Name
Location (town and state)
Phone Number
Supervisor Name
Job Title
Description of Work
Reason for Leaving
Time Employed
From To
Weekly Pay
Hire: Leave:
Previous Job 2
Company Name
Location (town and state)
Phone Number
Supervisor Name
Job Title
Description of Work
Reason for Leaving
Time Employed
From To
Weekly Pay
Hire: Leave:
Previous Job 3
Company Name
Location (town and state)
Phone Number
Supervisor Name
Job Title
Description of Work
Reason for Leaving
Time Employed
From To
Weekly Pay
Hire: Leave:
College Name
College Location (town and state)
Course of study in College
Number of years of College completed
Did you graduate College? yes
High School Name
High School Location (town and state)
Number of years of High School completed
Did you graduate High School? yes
Primary School Name and Location
Membership in Professional or Civic Organizations
(Exclude those which may disclose your race, color, religion or national origin)
Military Service
Complete this section if you served in the U.S. Armed Forces
Branch of Service
Active Duty
From To
Rank at Discharge
Date of Final Discharge

The Information provided in this application is true, correct, and complete. If contacted, any misstatement or omission of fact on the application may result in termination of my independent contract.

If you decide to engage an investigative reporting agency to report on my credit and personal history, I authorize you to do so. If a report is obtained, you must provide, at my request, the name and address of the agency so I may obtain from them the nature and substance of the information contained in the report.

I agree to the above. Yes   No October 22, 2024