Special Weather Statement issued February 17 at 9:31PM EST by NWS Wilmington OH (details ...)
The combination of cold temperatures and light wind will produce wind chill temperatures between 5 below and 10 below zero into Tuesday morning.
These cold wind chill temperatures could result in hypothermia or frostbite if precautions are not taken. Dress warmly, preferably in layers.
Tue 15° Tue 15° 10° 10° Wed 19° Wed 19°
Friday, October 31st, 2008
Reading time
Photo by Shelley Grieshop/The Daily Standard

Audrian Combs, a preschooler in the Mercer County Head Start program, holds onto teacher Kristin Ruppert as she reads her a story on Thursday. Ruppert is one of several Wright State University-Lake Campus pupils participating in the program, taught by Professor Ken Rosengarten, which provides first-hand experience with young students.

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