Special Weather Statement issued February 17 at 9:31PM EST by NWS Wilmington OH (details ...)
The combination of cold temperatures and light wind will produce wind chill temperatures between 5 below and 10 below zero into Tuesday morning.
These cold wind chill temperatures could result in hypothermia or frostbite if precautions are not taken. Dress warmly, preferably in layers.
Today 16° Today 16° 10° 10° Tomorrow 19° Tomorrow 19° 11° 11° chance
Thursday, December 3rd, 2009
Concert practice
Photo by William Kincaid/The Daily Standard

Fort Recovery juniors and seniors in Tracy Hein Evers' choir classes practice for a Christmas concert to be held at 3 p.m. Sunday in the elementary/middle school auditeria. The choir will sing traditional Christmas music as well as lead a choreographed show called "One Magic Christmas." The show will feature all junior high and high school students in the choral department. Donations of money and canned or paper goods will be accepted at the door as admission. All proceeds will be given to a local food pantry.

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